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What Are Dental Implants Made Of? 3 Things to Know

Dental Implants

Your teeth are not just tools for chewing; they're a vital part of your identity, shaping your smile and how you interact with the world. Dental implants have become the gold standard for replacing missing teeth and restoring that integral sense of self.

So what exactly are these implants made of? Dive into this enlightening guide to uncover the three crucial components that construct a dental implant.

Dental Implant Base Materials

The base of a dental implant, often referred to as the implant post, is typically made from either titanium or zirconia. These materials are biocompatible, which means they work well with your body and are less likely to be rejected.

Titanium has a long history of use in medical implants, from hip replacements to heart valves. It's strong, lightweight, and bonds well with bone in a process known as osseointegration.

Zirconia is a newer material in the dental implant arena but has gained popularity for its aesthetic appeal. It's a white material that blends well with the natural colour of teeth.

What Are Crowns Made Of?

After the dental implant post is placed and has bonded with your bone, the next step is attaching a crown. The crown is the part of the dental implant that looks like a natural tooth.

When considering the cost of dental implants, the type of material used for the crown can be a determining factor. The most commonly used materials for crowns are porcelain, composite resin, and metal alloys. Some even opt for gold.

Porcelain crowns offer a lifelike appearance and are highly durable. Composite resin crowns are less expensive, making them a viable option for affordable dental implants. Metal alloys, while strong, are generally less preferred for aesthetic reasons but are an option nonetheless.

Dental Implant Insurance and Payment Plans

Dental implant insurance is available to cover part of the cost. However, the extent of coverage can vary depending on your plan.

Payment plans are also frequently available, allowing you to spread out the cost over several months or even years (although this might not be an option for many Canadians due to rising household debt). Yet, a payment plan can make the overall cost of dental implants slightly higher due to interest rates, it can offer a way to make the procedure more manageable financially.

Are you looking for affordable dental implants? If so, it's worth discussing these options with your dental professional (including discussing aftercare). This way you can determine the best course of action for you.

Of course, affordability is a big issue for most Canadians these days. As you can see right now, the cost of living is rising, so affordable options may be welcomed by many.

There are government dental programs available to some in Canada. Although, it is more common for citizens to have dental insurance. Nonetheless, you may want to look into the potential benefits you might qualify for in the different regions of Canada.

Your Future With Dental Implants

Navigating the world of dental care can sometimes feel like a maze. But when it comes to dental implants, you now have the knowledge to make an informed decision.

At Sunray Dental Centre, no matter what your dental needs are, we're ready to help! Book high-level dental care today with us!

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